Monday, December 03, 2007

How Being Quiet Pays Off In Business

By E. Brown

USA Today recently published an interview with controversial Q1 Group CEO, Vijay Eswaran, extolling the virtues of silence. Vijay spends an hour at the beginning of most every day in silent contemplation. He attributes this to being a big part of his successes. Vijay’s new book, In The Sphere of Silence, outlines a regimen of silence:

• Best time is early in the morning or when convenient. Consistency is the key.
• Maintain silence for one hour. If you’re distracted, start at the beginning.
• Evaluate yesterday. Note your progress and identify reasons for failures.
• Set goals for today, tomorrow, and next week.
• Plan long-term goals and prioritize. Do this daily.
• Review your notes from the previous day.
• Seek knowledge by reading non-fiction or listening to something educational for ten minutes, then make note of what you learned.
• Commune with the Lord for the last ten minutes – asking questions that need answers. Write it all down.

At first, the interviewer seemed to think Vijay’s exercise was “new-age goobledy-gook” and later in the article proposed the practice of silence as a recent “secret” discovery. The fact is for thousands of years, men and women have made a habit of spending time in quiet reflection gaining introspection and wisdom.

Like King Solomon of old once said, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”

my comment left on this post:
Good Post, I agree too.
I recently watched a Glen Beck show where Glen interviewed Depak Chopra.
Glen asked Depak what meditation is to him, Depak replied:
"... we have thought, then we have another thought, meditation is like the space between the thoughts"

That's paraphrased as close as my memory permits but the explanation gave me more reason to meditate.
I once tried explaining it as "doing nothing... constructively"

This article is for informational purposes only.
Please contact a licensed professional in your area
if you are in crisis or require mental health services

David Bruce

Healthy Boundaries & Victim Behavior

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